I do have a few unfinished or unpublished recipes and when I have time I will try to post them here.
But there are loads of previous posts, and this time of year there are still crops you can put in that grow over the winter or will be ready for next spring.
This is also the time to save seed, make preserves, pickles and make some sauerkraut or equivalent.
Try to store and preserve your harvest, its a shame to waste good food - in particular if you have grown it yourself.
Remember, if you are not growing food, turn the garden over some time between November and January - this allows the frost to break up the ground for you, helps kill off pests and aerated the soil.
One thing I am looking at exploring next year is home brew - the idea being to use my own barley, oats and other veg - so anyone with a bit of skill here is more than welcome to get in contact with me.
Sad thing is things are very tough in Ireland at the moment, with little leadership, vision, imagination or direction - but that really does underline the importance of self sufficiency, self reliance and appreciating what we have.
Growing and foraging food really is enormously rewarding, I started the garden in part to help take my mind off problems, and it has given so much back - and the blog is a way of sharing that -
So thanks to all readers and visitors so far, especially those who have taken the time to comment - next year we will be making booze, so I'm really looking forward to that - keep on digging.

Fair play dhuit a Simon, bíonn do chuid altanna agsu smaointe suimiúil agus speisiúil i gconaí. Ba cheart dúinn uilig tairbhe a bhaint as an talamh slantúil saibhir atá bronnta orainn agus omás ceart a thabhairt dó tré leasú folláin a chur leis. Feamainn! Feamainn úr ón gcladach rud a mheabharaíonn dúinn an nasc láidir ósnadúrtha sin atá idir muid féin an talamh agus an fharraige.