A very dear friend of mine has recently started producing garden furniture.
Its made with care, and made to last.
His facebook page gives a much wider selection of his designs
Personally, as you can see from the blog, I really do believe in supporting local Artists, Craftspeople and Artisans
Something like Ian's creations really add to a garden, they are individual and unique as opposed to something mass produced and soulless from a factory in the far east.
Ian's work is designed to be durable, to the point that several bars, cafes and clubs use his products because of their style, sturdiness and durability.
Ian is primarily a metal worker, so also does features for inside the home like the quirky wine rack bicycle (but please don't drink and ride!!) or other features such as light fittings, candle holders etc.
Other features that add to a garden also feature in his creative talents. I really like the gate cap featured here.
As always, I really feel people should re-duce, re-use and re-cycle - but also re-source, something from the locality or even the country maintains funds - and equally important - creativity in the community.
So, if your considering adding features to your garden, or preparing a meal, keep an eye out for local and national creators and producers.